Dulevo at Ecomondo 2022

11 November 2022

Dulevo at Ecomondo

The 2022 edition of Ecomondo was marked by an incredible +15% in attendance compared to the record year 2019, and the Dulevo stand was no exception.

A record-breaking edition not only in terms of numbers: visitors' interest was directed toward the development of sustainable mobility and alternatives to traditional fuels, which at Dulevo were represented by the electric D.Zero2 and the D6 Blue, a natural gas-powered version of the highly appreciated D6.

It was a favorable opportunity to get back as close to customers and dealers as before the pandemic, marked also by the unveiling of the new Dulevo image and the opening to orders of the already highly demanded D6 Blue.

Circuito di Monaco

Dulevo D6 Blue

Minimale Emissionen und maximale Leistung. Die fortschrittlichste Dulevo-Technologie kombiniert mit Erdgas für eine wirklich außerordentliche Kehrleistung.

Circuito di Monaco

DIE NEUE Dulevo D.Zero²

D.Zero² ist die erste vollelektrische Kehrmaschine von Dulevo, die sich perfekt für Innenstädte und Gemeinden eignet. Entdecken Sie die Innovation!